Business Makes Strange Bedfellows Read online

Page 5

  "He's been dead a few days at least," she told Vi. "Are they sure this is the most recent kill?"

  "No, this is the most recent." Vi cocked her head as if listening. "They say the creature isn't here anymore—in the sewers, I mean."

  "Well, why couldn't they have said that in the first place?" She straightened up. "Come on, if there is nothing more to find here, I wanted to get back to my apartment so I can have a bath."

  "I'm sorry for wasting your time tonight," Vi said as they climbed back up the spikes towards the street above. "I thought we would find it."

  Gert shrugged. "We tried."

  "I'll continue to search until I locate it." Vi levered herself back out of the manhole.

  "Yes, do that." She watched Vi roll the cover back over the hole. She reached out and caught her sleeve when Vi turned back towards the main street. "And another thing." She let her hand rest flat against Vi's chest. Both of their trousers were saturated in God only knew what foulness and they stank to high heaven, but Vi's body was muscular and hard under her hand, and not warm in the slightest. "When next we meet not stinking of sewage, I expect you to make good on our deal."

  Both of Vi's eyebrows rose. "But we have yet to kill the creature."

  "Yes." She rose up kiss the corner of Vi's mouth ever so lightly. "But I want you anyway."

  Vi's eyes widened and then she smiled, slow and full of heat, before turning towards the main street to hail them a cab.


  Gert leaned against the wall of one of the houses near docks. Every so often, she would slip her left hand into her coat and finger her revolver. In her right, she held the smoldering butt of a cigar she'd let herself indulge in to help quiet her nerves. Tucked in the pocket of her overcoat was the note from Vi she'd received the day before, arranging the meeting. The sound of horse hooves and wheels on cobbles made her look up. A carriage came to a stop a few paces away from where she stood. The door opened, and Vi leaned out.

  Vi's gaze swept down and then she beckoned. "Come over here and get in."

  Gert flicked the rest of her cigar aside and strode to the carriage. After a moment's hesitation, she climbed in. Vi grabbed her then, fingers curling around the back of Gert's neck, her other arm wrapping around Gert's back to pull her close. Vi's lips touched Gert's before she could think. A light, cool brush, and Vi was pulling away.

  "What was that?" Gert touched her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue before looking at Vi in a way she hoped was both seductive and teasing.

  "A taste." Vi's gaze had gone heavy-lidded again.

  As Vi turned to open the door, Gert lunged forward, wrapping both fists in the fabric of Vi's jacket, jerking her around by it. She kissed her, not a brief press but a wet, hard slide. She pressed the tip of her tongue against Vi's lips until they opened to her and then thrust her tongue into Vi's mouth.

  Vi growled, pulling her closer to straddle Vi's lap. One of Vi's hands settled on the curve of Gert's backside, and the other pressed hard against her neck, holding her in place while Vi kissed back. It sparked something strong and hot in her lower belly. She pressed herself hard against Vi's body as their tongues warred together, lips pushing and catching. There was the sharp prick of Vi's fangs, and she made a small noise into Vi's mouth.

  There was a little bit of blood on her lips when she drew back enough to breathe. She watched the tip of Vi's tongue dart out to lick the blood off of Vi's own lips, watched the way Vi's eyes slid shut and her whole body shuddered. Vi was bareheaded, and Gert reached to tangle her fingers in the short, blonde hair, soft under her hand. She tugged until Vi's head bent back, stretching Vi's neck into a graceful line.

  "If you want a taste from me, I suggest you do it properly next time," Gert said.

  "Duly noted." Vi's lips quirked up into a smile, even as her eyes held an undeniable hunger.

  "If you plan on bedding me, I hope there will be some passion to it." Gert licked across her own lips again, feeling the swollen heat of them and slight sting where Vi's fangs had cut at her lower lip. Against her better judgment, she had agreed to take Vi to bed, so she would be damned if she would settle for less than what Vi could give her where passion and pleasure were concerned. Looking down, she let herself openly admire the strong lines of Vi's face, her high cheekbones, long nose, and thin but expressive mouth.

  Vi's eyes narrowed. "Trust me." Vi's fingers curled around the swell of hip. "Once we have killed this creature and I take you to my bed, passion will not a problem."

  "Good." She let go of Vi's hair, fingers sliding down her throat. Vi leaned forward, burying her face in the curve of Gert's own throat. She inhaled deeply again and then licked over the fragile skin where a pulse fluttered.

  "Your blood smells amazing, my dear." Vi's voice was rough, and Gert shivered against the touch of Vi's lips and tongue. "It was the first thing I noticed about you when you walked into my apartment. You smell like fire and power and life. Like hot metal and strong wine." Vi's words ended in a lower growl, and as their lips met in another long kiss.

  The heat that had pooled low in her belly slid down to settle firmly in between her thighs, making the desire to spread her legs farther around Vi's waist and rock against her almost undeniable.

  "We need to go find and kill that creature." She pulled back before she gave into temptation and actually rutted against Vi right there in the carriage.

  "Yes." Vi looked as if she wasn't truly convinced of the necessity of that over continuing with their play. She leaned forward to kiss along Gert's throat again.

  "Don't." She couldn't stop her hips from rocking forward into Vi's as her tongue darted out to taste fragile skin. "We need to stop."

  Vi drew back with a sigh. "All right, then, shall we go out and find this monster of yours?"

  Taking a moment to compose herself, she finally nodding.

  "Did you bring your revolver?" One of Vi's hands slid into Gert's overcoat, and she shivered as Vi's fingertips grazed the underside of her breasts.

  "Stop that." She glared, smacking Vi's hand away, and climbed off her lap, while Vi smirked unrepentantly.

  Pulling open the carriage door she climbed out into the street. Vi followed and then reached back into the carriage, pulling out a long, slim object that had been lying along the carriage floor. She blinked when Vi righted it, and she realized it was a whaling harpoon with a long coil of chain attached. Fingers sliding into her coat, she checked the revolver again while Vi paid the cabby.

  "Shall we?" Vi held out her hand

  "Do you have what we'll need to lure it?" Gert asked as they headed down towards the dock. It was late, so the streets by the water were all but deserted, the ships were moored, and thick fog was rolling in across the water of the bay.

  Vi stopped within sight of the water, switching the harpoon to her other hand, and dug into the pocket of her waistcoat. She pulled out the bone whistle.

  "And will that... lure the creature?"

  "I have no idea." Vi tucked it away in her waistcoat. "We will find out."

  Moving through the fog towards the docks, Vi walked out onto an empty pier. Vi set down the harpoon and knelt, pulling out the whistle. A piercing high keen came out of the small instrument when Vi blew, and Gert felt her stomach knot and the hair stand up all along her arms. She remembered that sound, the sound the creature had made as it devoured the dead body on the examination table, and then again when it had rushed her. She gripped her revolver tightly.

  For a moment there was silence, save for the slap of water against the side of the pier. Vi brought the whistle back up to her lips again when an answering cry came. Tentacles, black and wet, began to rise from the water just a few feet away from the pier. The cry came again, a high-pitched keening wail as the tentacles continued to emerge.

  It was larger than the last time she'd seen it the tentacles now thicker than her upper arm, and longer than Vi was tall. The bulbous body broke the surface of the water, and while it had been small enough to fit
into a man's abdomen back in the laboratory, it was now the size of a horse. Vi began wrapping the free end of the chain around an iron ring set into the pier.

  The creature cried out again—a scream so loud and high it reverberated in her chest and made her ears ring.

  Vi straightened, grabbing the harpoon again. "Get off the pier and stand on the street." She hefted the harpoon to shoulder height.

  "What about you?" Gert took several steps back but kept her eyes on Vi.

  "I'll harpoon it and run." Vi didn't look back at her.

  The creature screamed again, the noise echoing against the fog, water, and warehouses. It reached out to grip the pier with its tentacles. Wood splinted under its grip the entire thing, shaking, and Vi almost fell backing up out of its way. The arm holding the harpoon fell as she tried to steady herself.

  One thick tentacle shot out, wrapping around her waist and hoisting Vi into the air. Gert drew her revolver from her coat and pointed it at the thing as Vi struggled to disentangle herself. The harpoon clattered to the pier. The tentacles around Vi tightened and then loosened as the creature shrieked in pain. A gushing fountain of black blood rained down onto the pier from one of the tentacle that had been slashed open.

  Vi dropped from the monster's grasp onto the pier. She was holding a knife in one hand now stained with blood. Vi rolled as the creature lashed out more of the pier splinting under its heavy appendages. Vi crawled across the pier towards the harpoon on hands and knees, trying to stay clear of the creature's thrashing.

  Fingers closing around the handle, Vi threw the harpoon. Gert neither saw nor heard the weapon strike, but she did know it had hit home when the creature roared, a loud, thundering sound. It jerked back into the water and then slammed into the pier. There was a huge crack and crunch as it collapsed under the creature's weight. A geyser of steaming black liquid gushed up into the air across the ruined pier and onto the cobbles.

  "Vi!" Gert called, but she couldn't see Vi beyond the wreckage of the pier, the fog, writhing tentacles, and fall of black fluid. "Bollocks!" She cocked her revolver and aimed at the creature again.

  The creature reared back again, making the chain attached to the end of the harpoon screech and drag across stone and wood. Through the fog, one could just make out a gaping mouth with many rows of sharp teeth and its multiple glowing red eyes. She pulled the trigger, aiming for the eyes, and the creature jerked back as more blood sprayed through the air, this time hitting her squarely. The same putrid smell she remembered from the laboratory filled the air, and she could feel the heat of the creature's liquid even through the layers of her clothing. She fired again at it, and the creature's body slammed into the wreckage of the pier. A long, thin hand with talons clawed at the edge of the sidewalk, throwing splinters of wood across the cobblestones. Three long tentacles shot out to strike at Gert.

  She ducked, avoiding two, but wasn't quite fast enough. The third hit her square in the chest, throwing her back and down onto the cobbles. She skidded a little, all the wind knocked out of her. Pain lanced through her shoulder and down her back. Through the haze of pain, she heard the chain groan and then snap. The creature was going to get away, and all this would be for nothing. She pushed herself up and staggered to her feet. She couldn't find her pistol. Another tentacle swung at her, and she ran back towards the warehouses and into an alleyway. Doubling over, she coughed, feeling pain stab through her chest and trying to catch her breath.

  The screech of straining metal came again, the drag and scrap of the chain as it was dragged across the pier. Two huge tentacles thrust themselves into the alleyway, groping for her, and she scrambled backwards. The creature wasn't trying to get way; she realized it was trying to find her.

  She cast about for a weapon. There was nothing but some garbage and other, more unspeakable refuse. The tentacles writhed, searching for her. One oozed dark slime-like pus, leaving long slick trails as it went. They slapped wetly against the sides of the alleyway but with enough force that if she had been caught between them and the wall, she would surely be crushed.

  Backing up as fast as she could, she tried to find something, anything she could use as a makeshift weapon against the thing.

  There was a small pile of rotted wood that had once been a crate was over to one side of the alley. She snatched up a piece and swung it at the tentacles. The rotted and oversaturated wood exploded into a hail of splinters, not even causing the creature to pause in its search.

  She felt a slickness creep up her leg and then wrap around it gripping her tight enough to crush. She cried out in pain as her leg was jerked out from under her. Her head hit the stone street, light exploding in front of her eyes. Through her stunned haze, she was vaguely aware of being dragged out of the alley. Then she was hoisted up into the air. Everything spun in a sickening fashion, and she found herself hanging upside down by one leg. The grip the tentacle had on her leg was still painfully tight, the slime that the creature seemed to be coated in was seeping through her trousers.

  Below her a multitude of large milky eyes blinked up at her, huge maw stretching impossibly wide to show off rows of needle-sharp teeth. She really wished she had stashed a knife in one of her boots. Beyond the monster, she could see the street and caught a glimpse of her revolver on the cobbles far below.

  Flailing, she began to try and raise the lower half of her body high enough to reach the tentacle wrapped around her leg. Every muscle in her body protested, screaming out as she managed to contort herself enough to reach the fearsome appendage. She clawed at the creature's hide with both hands. Her fingers sank into slippery tender flesh, and the creature let out a moaning squeak.

  She was catapulted through the air, landing hard on the cobblestones. The fall knocked the breath out of her and sent bright pain lancing from her left shoulder down to her fingertips. Gritting her teeth, Gert shook off her daze and crawled towards the revolver lying on the ground.

  A tentacle slammed into the stones beside her, and she rolled even as agony shot down her shoulder with every jolt. Her fingers closed around the cool metal of her gun just as another tentacle wrapped around both her legs, pinning them together.

  She managed to flail onto her back as she was dragged painfully along the ground towards the ruined pier. Holding the revolver with both hands, she took aim at the creature's many-eyed globular head and fired.

  This time there was no cry or scream; the tentacle around her legs was suddenly gone. She watched as the creature fell back in the water, tentacles still twisted in what was left of the pier. The creature was still, as was she, watching carefully for any movement and listened to herself breathe. Its body slowly sank into the water of the harbor, and she lay on the hard paved walkway and tried to take stock of her injuries. Nothing broken, she was glad to find, although the muscles in her shoulder was painfully sore and would most likely be tender for a few days to come. She would no doubt also have impressive collection of bruises across her entire body. Not that she could tell past the grime from the street, slime and stinking blood that covered her from head to toe. After a moment, she staggered to her feet.

  "Vi?" Gert called again, starting towards the edge of where the pier had been "Vi?"

  Everything was still, and then a dark shape was pulling itself out of the water onto the cobblestones.

  "Oh, thank God." She ran forward, and Vi coughed several times, spitting a large amount of water onto the stones.

  "I shouldn't have worn this overcoat." Vi unhooked the heavy, black wool thing from around her neck and threw it away from her. "Looks good, but weighs more than I do when wet." She coughed again and then grimaced. "I hate it when my lungs fill with water. Did we get it?"

  Gert found herself smiling. "I got it, yes."

  "Good." Vi pulled herself up.

  There was a shout from the street over and the sound of multiple feet running towards them.

  "Come." Vi's grip on Gert's hand tightened, and she tugged her down the nearest alleyway and around a

  There was shouting by the water where they'd just left, and then the sound of a police whistle. Gert found herself pressed against Vi's chest as Vi pressed herself against the nearest alley wall, well in the shadows, and held her tight. Vi's fingers carted through the curls at the back of Gert's head. She must have lost her hat at some point and then stifled a small noise of pleasure as Vi's other hand unwound from her waist to skim down her back. Vi tugged gently at Gert's hair, tipping her face back and nuzzling along her cheek, to the junction of jaw and throat.

  "We should leave." Vi's voice was so low that, even as close as they were, she barely heard it. "Before the authorities find us, and I believe I'm due payment for tonight's work."

  "Are you?" She kept her voice almost as low. "As I recall it, I was the one who killed the beast, and you were the one who got knocked into the bay and pulled under by your own coat."

  She could feel the vibration of Vi's chuckle against her skull. "True enough, but I still want to taste you, my dear, if you're willing?"

  She sought for the fear of Vi and her intentions that should have been there, but failed to find any. "Yes, I am."

  Vi's arm tightened momentarily, and then Vi was pulling away and moving down the alleyway at some speed. When they were a good few blocks away from the dock, Vi hailed them a cab.

  "We can go back to my apartments, if you don't mind it," Vi said when they were both settled in the cab. She gave her a critical once-over before wrinkling her nose. "You smell like the creature's blood, which is not surprising since it's all over you. I'll have a bath drawn for you when we get there."

  Gert looked down at herself, and wrinkled her own nose at the stench. "I think a bath would be advisable."

  When the cab stopped outside of the falling-down tenement Vi called home, they both climbed out and traipsed through the alleyway to the stairs. At least they didn't draw that much attention to themselves here. If they'd been in her neighborhood, everyone would have been talking about the state of their clothing, not to mention getting in at such a late hour. Here, no one looked twice as they made their way up the stairs to Vi's apartment.